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RxSwift Testing


One of my favorite features of RxSwift is its testing infrastructure, RxTest. It is an undersold one too, it’s not even mentioned on the Why RxSwift page. Let’s take a look at it on a real-world example - paging in a scroll view.

Requirements: Xcode 8.3, Swift 3.1, RxSwift 3.5

Paging #

One of the main components responsible for paging in our app is PagingScrollViewModel.

final class PagingScrollViewModel<Page> {

    let pages: Driver<[Page]>
    let indicator: Driver<PagingIndicatorState>

    init(service: PagingService<Page>, retryTap: Driver<Void>, didReachBottom: Driver<Void>)

enum PagingIndicatorState {
    case hidden, loading, failed(Error)

The key for engineering for testability is being able to inject the inputs and record the outputs. PagingScrollViewModel is initialized with a paging service and two observable sequences that represent user input: retryTap and scroll view didReachBottom. The outputs are two other observable sequences: pages and indicator.

Here is one of the scenarios that I’d like to capture in my unit tests:

When the user scrolls to the bottom of the scroll view automatically start loading the next page and display a footer view with an activity indicator. If the request for the next page fails, show a footer view with an error message and a “Retry” button.

It’s a relatively complex scenario which would typically be hard to test. RxTest makes it easy. Let’s first take a quick look at RxTest and then jump right into the test file.

RxTest #

The main component of RxTest is a TestScheduler class. It is a “virtual time scheduler” which allows you to “control time”. You can use it to:

  • Create test observables which emit specific events at specific points in virtual time. For example, you can mock “Retry” button tap like this:
let retryTap = scheduler.createHotObservable([next(150, ())])
  • Create test observers which you can subscribe to your actual observables to record all of the events emitted by them:
let pages = scheduler.record(viewModel.pages)

Let’s see how it all comes into practice in the actual test case.

Test Case #

// Create a list of expected events.
// `Recorded` is a simple `time` + `value` struct (RxTest)
// `Event` is a core type in RxSwift that represents a sequence event.
let expectedPages: [Recorded<Event<[String]>>] = [
    next(0, []), // The `Driver` replays the last element on subscribe
    next(25, ["Page1"])
let expectedIndicators: [Recorded<Event<PagingIndicatorState>>] = [
    next(0, .loading),
    next(25, .hidden),
    next(150, .loading),
    next(175, .failed("An error has occurred"))

// Create a virtual time scheduler (RxTest)
let scheduler = TestScheduler(initialClock: 0)

// Create a service mock that returns the first page successfully, but then
// fails loading a second page. It uses a helper function `makeService`
// (which is irrelevant). What is relevant is that each response
// is produced 25 virtual time units after the subscription.
let service = makeService(results: [
    .success((page: "Page1", isFinished: false)),
    .failure(NSError(domain: "Test", code: 0, userInfo: nil))
], scheduler: scheduler)

// Create a "hot" observable which will produce a `didReachBottom`
// event in a specific point in virtual time.
let didReachBottom = scheduler.createHotObservable([next(150, ())])

let vm = PagingScrollViewModel(
    service: service,
    retryTap: .empty(),
    didReachBottom: didReachBottom.asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: ())

// This method enables mock test scheduler while testing drivers.
driveOnScheduler(scheduler) {
    let pages = scheduler.record(vm.pages)
    let indicators = scheduler.record(vm.indicator)

    XCTAssertEqual(pages.events, expectedPages)
    XCTAssertEqual(indicators.events, expectedIndicators)

    // Print recorded events to the console.

That’s it! If you were to run this test case we see the recorded events printed out to the console:


next([]) @ 0
next(["Page1"]) @ 25


next(loading) @ 0
next(none) @ 25
next(loading) @ 150
next(failed("An error has occurred")) @ 175

This matches the expected events, the test is passed successfully.

The TestScheduler.record(_:) is a helper method borrowed from the tests in a RxSwift repo (there are a lot of other goodies too):

extension TestScheduler {
    /// Creates a `TestableObserver` instance which immediately subscribes
    /// to the `source` and disposes the subscription at virtual time 100000.
    func record<O: ObservableConvertibleType>(_ source: O) -> TestableObserver<O.E> {
        let observer = self.createObserver(O.E.self)
        let disposable = source.asObservable().bind(to: observer)
        self.scheduleAt(100000) {
        return observer

Conclusion #

RxSwift is a powerful generic abstraction that provides a unified interface for all kinds of events: user input, async operations, data changing over time. This power is what enables RxTest – a unified testing infrastructure.

There are other ways to write RxSwift tests one of which is called marble tests. The idea is to use marble notation to define expected events. You can find an example of marble tests in the RxSwift repo.

RxTest can control time, but it is no magic. If there is any uncontrolled asynchronous code in the systems you are covering with unit tests, you will still end up writing asynchronous tests. However, RxTest has a variety of use cases and you should consider using it to write your unit tests.
